Light up! ― 元気を出して!
You light up my life! ― いつも私を明るくしてくれる!
Light upには、まわりを照らして明るくするだけでなく、
『Light Up Our Lives』
Light up!
You light up my life!
“Light up” has a meaning of not only illuminate the surroundings,
but also making us cheerful and alive.
“When we want to feel energized, we want to go outside and soak up the sunshine”
“When we are feeling sad, we want to go and watch the sunset on the horizon”
“On a special night, we want to enjoy a dinner with a beautiful night view”
Don’t we all know that the light can affect our minds even in daily lives.
『Light Up Our Lives』
Light up makes our lives more brightly, cheerfully and lively.
We will care the relation with human and light,
and weave stories that would be considerate of feelings.
界 秋保
Hoshino Resorts KAI Akiu
2024 / Miyagi Prefecture
House of Fermentation
2023 / KYOTO
IES(北米照明学会) Illumination Awards2022にて一畳十間コープオリンピアがSpecial Citationを受賞
We are pleased to announce that ICHIJO-TOMA has been awarded a Special Citation at the IES Illumination Awards 2022
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog